Garden Design

We work in many established gardens where we craft new spaces as plants come and go or the needs of the client change over time.  We also love visioning new garden spaces as well - small or large. 

Developing a garden design goes well beyond just picking out a pallet of plants. A garden designer needs to have the ability to look at a site and understand the environmental conditions in which they are working and you are living. Where is the sun and shade? What are the soil conditions? What is the hydrology? What natural flora and fauna may be present?

After gaining insight to the environmental conditions is then the step of understanding how the client wants the space to function and look. When our designer meets with you they will ask many questions including: How do you use this space?  What do you want to change?  What site or environmental problems need to be addressed? What is your desired level of maintenance?  What are your favorite plants or colors? What habitats are you interested in creating?

Answering all of the questions above brings the designer to the final step in the design process - plant selection. Plant selection combines the scientific understanding of how a plant will perform under a set of given conditions with the artistic vision of colors, textures, and, unique to garden design, time. We subscribe to the adage “the right plant for the right place” and will be honest about what options are available to you.

Interested in working with us on a design? Our first step in this whole process is meeting with you. Creating a garden is a personal process and we want to be sure that you ultimately have a space you love.